Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa (Calibrachoa 'Superbells Dreamsicle')
kal-ih-brah-KOE-ah 'Superbells Dreamsicle'
Deciduous Perennial
(usually grown as an annual near you)
in the Solanaceae Family
Available May 9
Size |
Notes |
Price |
Availability |
11" Hanging Basket |
$33.33 |
Eco+ Grande(TM) Tray of 10 4" compostable pots |
$61.80 |
Available May 16
Size |
Notes |
Price |
Availability |
11" Hanging Basket |
$33.33 |
Eco+ Grande(TM) Tray of 10 4" compostable pots |
$61.80 |
Available May 23
Size |
Notes |
Price |
Availability |
11" Hanging Basket |
$33.33 |
Eco+ Grande(TM) Tray of 10 4" compostable pots |
$61.80 |
Available June 6
Size |
Notes |
Price |
Availability |
Eco+ Grande(TM) Tray of 10 4" compostable pots |
$61.80 |
About Million Bells
Nicknamed “Million Bells” for a reason, Calibrachoa is a prolific grower and bloomer who will shock you with her explosion of small, petunia-shaped flowers.
She can bloom all season long without ever needing to be deadheaded (lazy gardeners, here’s lookin’ at you) and makes a fantastic hanging plant.
Calibrachoa foliage is slightly sticky to the touch and her flowers can be a huge variety of colors, often even multi-colored.
She was first introduced in the 1990s and has had container enthusiasts’ hearts ever since.
Well suited for container planting
Wide variety of colors
Season-long blooms
No dead-heading needed
This plant is probably not winter-hardy outdoors where you live.
Plant Data |
Mature Size |
3 - 9 inches
tall. 6 - 24 inches
Sun Exposure |
Full Sun - Full Sun |
Moisture Tolerance |
Medium |
Zones |
9a - 11b
(Usually hardy to 20° F)
Tags |
Annual in Chicago, Attracts Birds, Attracts Butterflies, Attracts Hummingbirds, Attracts Pollinators, Attracts Wildlife, Deciduous, Deer Resistant, Full Sun, Full Sun, Good for Beginners, Hanging Basket, Medium, Medium, Perennial, Rabbit Resistant, Showy Flowers, Spillers, Tender Perennial
Bloom Period |
June to frost
Flower Color |
Most Popular Plants |
Rankings |
Related Articles |
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