Interactive Landscapes

Click on the photos you like to explore identified plants in these interactive landscapes to see how others around the area are combining plants.

 Angelmist Deep Plum Summer Snapdragon, Magellan Orange Zinnia (Zinnia elegans), Artemis Silver Sage, Easy Wave Plum Vein Petunia, Glow Carmine Plumed Celosia, Terra Cotta Yarrow
  Washington Tulip, Rosalie Tulip, Jackpot Tulip, Flying Dragon Tulip, Lydia Orange Tulip, Mountain High Tulip, Annie Schilder Tulip, Barcelona Tulip - Triumph Type, Masterpiece Tulip, Involve Tulip, Kees Nelis Tulip, Flaming Flag Tulip, Domino Tulip, Synaeda Sensitive Tulip, Carola Tulip, & Mata Hari Tulip at Chicago Garden Show.
Mixed mums bordered by yew hedges
Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Vermillionaire Firecracker Plant, Luscious Citrus Blend Lantana, Mojave Red Purslane, Mojave Fuchsia Purslane, Lady Godiva Yellow Marigold, Truffula Pink Globe Amaranth, Heat It Up Scarlet Blanket Flower, Heat It Up Yellow Blanket Flower, Pyromania Rocket's Red Glare Hot Poker
 Red Zip Cabbage Palm, Luscious Goldengate Lantana, Supertunia Vista Fuchsia, Supertunia Black Cherry, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Colorblaze Apple Brandy Coleus, Colorblaze Torchlight Coleus, Rockin' Blue Suede Shoes Salvia, Snowstorm Pink Bacopa, Superbena Large Lilac Blue Verbena, Denim 'n Lace Russian Sage, Lakota Fire Coneflower
Toucan Dark Orange Canna, Toucan Yellow Canna Lily, Coffee Cups Elephant's Ear, Surefire Red Begonia, Sweet Caroline Bewitched After Midnight Sweet Potato, Sweet Caroline Red Hawk Sweet Potato Vine, Sweet Caroline Jet Black Sweet Potato, Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime Sweet Potato, Chocolate Drop Coleus, Colorblaze Golden Dreams Coleus, Colorblaze Rediculous Coleus, Colorblaze Velveteen Coleus, ColorBlaze Wicked Hot Coleus, ColorBlaze Wicked Witch Coleus, Proven Accents Pegasus Begonia, Heart to Heart Caribbean Coral Elephant Ear, Heart to Heart Va Va Violet Elephant Ear
 Diamond Frost Spurge, Gryphon Begonia, Leapfrog Foamy Bells, Colorblaze Apple Brandy Coleus, Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime Sweet Potato, Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Purple Sweet Potato
 Woodstock Common Hyacinth, Boston Fern, China Pink Hyacinth, Purple Voice Hyacinth, Gypsy Queen Hyacinth, Miss Saigon Hyacinth, Chicago Hyacinth, White Pearl Hyacinth, Blue Star Hyacinth, Bloomstruck Hydrangea, Scarlet Pearl Hyacinth
Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Superbells Blue Moon Punch Calibrachoa, Superbells Double Orchid Calibrachoa, Graceful Grasses Vertigo, Supertunia Giant Pink Petunia, Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green With Envy Sweet Potato, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Meteor Shower Verbena, Superbena Stormburst Verbena, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus
 Weeping Willow, Russian Sage, Grass - Feather Reed, Golden Showers Threadleaf Coreopsis, Burgundy Candles Meadow Sage
King Tut Papyrus, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus, Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa, Golden Butterfly Marguerite Daisy, Superbells Yellow Improved Petunia, Illusion Emerald Lace Sweet Potato, Rubrum Fountain Grass, Superbena Red Verbena, Daredevil Claret Zonal Geranium
 Angelmist Deep Plum Summer Snapdragon, Magellan Orange Zinnia, Electric Lime Coleus, Artemis Silver Sage, Easy Wave Plum Vein Petunia, Vista Lavender Scarlet Sage, Superbena Burgundy Garden Verbena
 Black Hero Double Tulip, Mount Tacoma Tulip, Dreamland Single Late Tulip, Mrs. John T. Scheepers Single Late Tulip, Bleu Aimable Single Late Tulip, Camargue Single Late Tulip, Blue Wow Double Late Tulip, Avignon Single Late Tulip
 High Five Speedwell, Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Magadi Electric Blue Edging Lobelia, Illusion Emerald Lace Sweet Potato, Mohave Yellow Strawflower, Spiky Pink Wheat Celosia
 High Five Speedwell, Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Magadi Electric Blue Edging Lobelia, Illusion Emerald Lace Sweet Potato, Mohave Yellow Strawflower, Spiky Pink Wheat Celosia, Landmark Citrus Lantana
 Toffee Twist Bronze Curly Sedge, Flambe Yellow Strawflower, Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus, Charmed Wine Shamrock, Illusion Midnight Lace Sweet Potato, Colorblaze Sedona Sunset Coleus, Graceful Grasses Vertigo Purple Fountain Grass, Superbells Yellow Chiffon Calibrachoa
 Wesuwe Sage, Blue Hill Wood Sage, Geranium Cinereum Ballerina, Rozanne Cranesbill, Walker's Low Catmint, Max Frei Bloody Cranesbill, Summer Beauty Allium, Blue Fortune Giant Hyssop, Calamint, Lady's Mantle, Catlin's Giant Bugleweed, Rose Marvel Woodland Sage
Forest Flame Lily Of The Valley Bush, Polar Ice Small-cupped Daffodil, Allgold Broom, Lemon Ice African Daisy, Golden Flare Azalea, Golden Artist Tulip, Cannon's Double Azalea, Ladys Mantle, Whitespire Gray Birch
Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime Sweet Potato, Little Lime Hydrangea, Hydrangea Tiny Tuff Stuff, Superbells Tangerine Punch Calibrachoa, Supertunia Vista Paradise Petunia, Mojave Yellow Purslane, Mojave Fuchsia Purslane, Superbena Red Verbena, Luscious Berry Blend Lantana, Superbells Double Chiffon Calibrachoa, Bright Lights Yellow African Daisy
   Angelmist Deep Plum Summer Snapdragon, Magellan Orange Zinnia, Superbena Burgundy Garden Verbena, Lemon Coral Stonecrop
Rose Glow Barberry, Lidakense Stonecrop, East Friesland Meadow Sage, Blackout Coral Bells, ? Hydrangea, Blue Dune Lyme Grass, Persian Shield
Goldilocks Creeping Jenny, Tidal Wave Silver Petunia, Premium Sun Flip Side Coleus, Green Ball Dianthus, Glamour Euphorbia, Cirrus Dusty Miller, Boxwood
Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Superbells Blue Moon Punch Calibrachoa, Superbells Double Orchid Calibrachoa, Graceful Grasses Vertigo, Supertunia Giant Pink Petunia, Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green With Envy Sweet Potato, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Meteor Shower Verbena, Superbena Stormburst Verbena, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus, Supertunia Mini Vista Hot Pink Petunia
 Colorblaze Golden Dreams Coleus, Charmed Wine Shamrock, Catalina Gilded Grape Wishbone Flower, North Pole American Arborvitae, Hippo White Polka Dot Plant, Beth's Blue Star Flower, Hippo Pink Polka Dot Plant, Sweet Caroline Kiwi Sweet Potato Vine, Sweet Caroline Raven Improved Sweet Potato, Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime Sweet Potato, Catalina White Linen Wishbone Flower, Proven Accents Pegasus Begonia, Goldilocks Creeping Jenny
Carnival Black Olive Coral Bells, Carillon Foxglove, Salmon Pearl Tulip, Polkadot Princess Foxglove, Snapshot Burgundy Snapdragon, Carnival Black Olive Coral Bells
Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Silver Bullet Wormwood, Superbells Hollywood Star Calibrachoa, Superbells Morning Star Calibrachoa, Sweet Caroline Bewitched After Midnight Sweet Potato, Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green With Envy Sweet Potato, Blue Mohawk Rush, Sky Rocket Fountain Grass, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus, Colorblaze Rediculous Coleus, Lemon Coral Stonecrop
Autumn Blaze Pear, Weeping Willow, ? Mums
Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Superbells Blue Moon Punch Calibrachoa, Superbells Double Orchid Calibrachoa, Fairy Dust Pink Cuphea, Graceful Grasses Vertigo, Supertunia Mini Vista Hot Pink Petunia, Supertunia Giant Pink Petunia, Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green With Envy Sweet Potato, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Meteor Shower Verbena, Superbena Stormburst Verbena
Andean Sage, Tardiva Panicle Hydrange, Blue Paradise Garden Phlox, Lamb's Ears
 Supertunia Vista Silverberry, Fiber Optic Grass, Illusion Midnight Lace Sweet Potato, Snow Princess Sweet Alyssum, Dolce Wildberry Coralbells
Supertunia Trailing Strawberry Pink Veined Petunia, Persian Shield, Snowstorm Blue Bacopa, Ogon Grassy-Leaved Sweet Flag
Angelface Super Blue Summer Snapdragon, Supertunia Vista Silverberry, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Supertunia Royal Magenta Petunia, Persian Shield
Triumph Tulip, Boxwood
 Showstar Blackfoot, High Tide Blue Floss Flower, Happy Ring Cosmos
Lydia Tulip
  Autumn Joy Stonecrop, Kamschatka Stonecrop, Montrose White Calamint, Viette's Little Suzy Black-Eyed Susan, Julia Coneflower, Little Devil Ninebark
Superbells Plum Calibrachoa, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Superbells Saffron Calibrachoa, Graceful Grasses Purple Fountain Grass, Sweet Caroline Raven Improved Sweet Potato, Tuscan Sun Ox-Eye Daisy
King Tut Hosta, Superbells Plum Calibrachoa, Timless Pink Geranium, Diamond Frost Spurge, ColorBlaze Dipt in Wine Coleus
Pardon My Pink Bee Balm, Mojave Red Purslane, Supertunia Vista Paradise Petunia, Colorblaze Golden Dreams Coleus, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, ColorBlaze Strawberry Drop Coleus, Sweet Caroline Light Green Sweet Potato, Meteor Shower Verbena
Illusions Garnet Lace Sweet Potato, Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, ColorBlaze Dipt in Wine Coleus, Superbena Dark Blue Verbena, Superbena Large Lilac Blue Verbena, Lime Light Hydrangea
Blooming Amur Chokecherry (Prunus maackii) surrounded by Intermediate Yew (Taxus x media 'Bergi')
Snow Princess Sweet Alyssum, Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa, Fiber Optic Grass, ColorBlaze Dipt in Wine Coleus, Vanilla Spice Sweet Pepperbush, King Tut Papyrus
Supertunia Giant Pink Petunia, Supertunia Really Red Petunia, Rockin' Deep Purple Salvia, Meteor Shower Verbena, Pardon My Lavender Bee Balm, Supertunia Daybreak Charm Petunia, Luscious Citrus Blend Lantana, Pardon My Cerise Bee Balm, Vermillionaire Firecracker Plant, Rockin' Fuchsia Salvia, Wizard of Ahhs Speedwell
Blue Horizon Floss Flower, Sweet Potato Vine, Degroot's Spire American Arborvitae, Curry Plant, Friendship Sage, Nicoletta Swedish Ivy, German Myrtle, Bright Ideas Lime Sweet Potato
Red Rooster Leatherleaf Sedge, Yarrow - Strawberry Seduction, Sunny Seduction Yarrow, Dalmatian Purple Foxglove
Golden Flare Azalea, Lemon Ice African Daisy
Angelface White Angelonia, King Tut Papyrus, Snow Princess Sweet Alyssum, Supertunia Vista Bubblegum Petunia, ColorBlaze Dipt in Wine Coleus
Russian Sage, Rose Glow Barberry, Lidakense Stonecrop, East Friesland Meadow Sage, Blackout Coral Bells
 Flambe Yellow Strawflower, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Superbena Royale Plum Wine Verbena, North Pole American Arborvitae, Vertigo Grass
Superbells Double Orchid Calibrachoa, Karalee Petite Pink Gaura, Colorblaze Rediculous Coleus, Silver Bullet Wormwood, Graceful Grasses Baby Tut Umbrella Grass, Prince Tut Papyrus, Fiber Optic Grass, Blue Mohawk Rush, Superbena Sparkling Rose Verbena
Superbena Burgundy Garden Verbena, Terra Cotta Yarrow
Suncatcher Triumph Tulip, Selkirk Crabapple
Spryng Tide Tulips, in bloom
Laguna Sky Blue Lobelia, Supertunia Vista Fuchsia, Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Superbena Large Lilac Blue Verbena
Surefire Red Begonia, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, El Brighto Coleus, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Purple Haze Butterfly Bush, Gold Splash Wintercreeper, Bobo Panicle Hydrangea, Lime Light Hydrangea, Serendipity Ornamental Onion, Lakota Fire Coneflower, Tuscan Sun Ox-Eye Daisy, Dolce Cherry Truffle Coralbells, Denim 'n Lace Russian Sage, Morning Light Maiden Grass, Garden Girls Party Girl Garden Phlox, Color Coded The Price Is White Coneflower
Superbells Plum Calibrachoa, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Superbells Saffron Calibrachoa, Graceful Grasses Purple Fountain Grass, Sweet Caroline Raven Improved Sweet Potato, Tuscan Sun Ox-Eye Daisy
Truffula Pink Globe Amaranth, Firefly Peach Sky, Luscious Citrus Blend Lantana, Lemon Coral Stonecrop
Leapfrog Foamy Bells, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus, Rockapulco White Impatiens, Rockapulco Wisteria Impatiens
Andean Sage, Virginia Creeper, Late Panicle Hydrangea, Crystal Peak White Obedient Plant
Weeping Willow, Bald Cypress
 ColorBlaze Dipt in Wine Coleus, Key Lime Pie Coral Bells, Diamond Frost Spurge, Supertunia Vista Silverberry, Catalina Pink Wishbone Flower
Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa, Superbells Red Calibrachoa, Toffee Twist Bronze Curly Sedge
Colorblaze Apple Brandy Coleus, ColorBlaze Dipt in Wine Coleus, Surefire Rose Begonia, Supertunia Really Red Petunia, Mojave Fuchsia Purslane, Mojave Yellow Purslane, Low Scape Mound Aronia, Cranberry Cocktail Fruit Punch Hybrid Dianthus, Fruit Punch Maraschino Maiden Pinks, Festival Star Perennial Baby's Breath, Black Pearl Heuchera, Cheyenne Sky Switch Grass
Pardon My Pink Bee Balm, Supertunia Vista Paradise Petunia, Colorblaze Golden Dreams Coleus, ColorBlaze Strawberry Drop Coleus, Sweet Caroline Light Green Sweet Potato, Meteor Shower Verbena
Wintergreen Korean Boxwood, Zahara Raspberry Lemonade Mix Zinnia, Princess Elephant Grass
Senorita Rosalita Spider Flower, Mystic Illusion Dahlia, Vermillionaire Firecracker Plant
Purple Coneflower, Purple Blazingstar, Daylily
 Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa, Toffee Twist Bronze Curly Sedge, Flambe Yellow Strawflower
Hippo Red Polka Dot Plant, Hippo Rose Polka Dot Plant, Colorblaze Torchlight Coleus, Cherry Truffle Coralbells, Heuchera Dolce 'Spearmint', Dolce Wildberry Coralbells, Fun and Games Eye Spy Foamy Bells, Pardon My Pink Bee Balm
Purple Baron Ornamental Millet, Silver Gumdrop Coral Bells, Graceful Grasses Vertigo, Bright Lights Purple African Daisy, Coral Queen Flowering Kale, Superbena Royale Plum Wine Verbena, Silver Bullet Wormwood, Silver Falls Dichondra, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia
Plum Dandy Alternanthera, Diamond Snow Spurge, Stratosphere Pink Picotee Gaura, Truffula Pink Globe Amaranth, Glacier English Ivy, Supertunia Mini Vista Pink Star Petunia, Colorblaze Rediculous Coleus, Rockin Golden Delicious Pineapple Sage, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Persian Shield
Campfire Fireburst Bidens, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus, Supertunia Vista Silverberry, Supertunia Black Cherry, Snowstorm Giant Snowflake Bacopa
Angelface Blue Summer Snapdragon, Supertunia Royal Magenta Petunia, Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Supertunia Sharon Petunia
Playin' the Blues Salvia, Zohar Sunflower, Zahara XL Pink Zinnia, Zahara Starlight Rose Zinnia
Blue Mohawk Rush, Blushing Princess Alyssum, Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Superbells Evening Star Calibrachoa, Prince Tut Papyrus, Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green With Envy Sweet Potato, Sweet Caroline Jet Black Sweet Potato
Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Superbells Blue Moon Punch Calibrachoa, Superbells Double Orchid Calibrachoa, Fairy Dust Pink Cuphea, Graceful Grasses Vertigo, Supertunia Mini Vista Hot Pink Petunia, Supertunia Giant Pink Petunia, Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green With Envy Sweet Potato, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Meteor Shower Verbena, Superbena Stormburst Verbena
Tiny Gold Barberry, Big Bang 'Mercury Rising' Tickseed, Foamy Bells 'Sweet Tea', Gay Butterflies Butterfly Weed, Obsidian Coral Bells
Arizona Apricot Blanket Flower, Tidal Wave Red Velour Petunia
Supertunia Trailing Strawberry Pink Veined Petunia, Graceful Grasses Purple Fountain Grass, Lime Light Hydrangea, Tiny Wine Ninebark, Fine Line Fern Leaf Buckthorn
Big Bang 'Mercury Rising' Tickseed, Foamy Bells 'Sweet Tea', Gay Butterflies Butterfly Weed, Obsidian Coral Bells, ? Blue Spruce
  Diamond Frost Spurge, Illusion Midnight Lace Sweet Potato, Timeless Pink Geranium
Autumn Colors Black-Eyed Susan, Fireworks Fountain Grass
Toucan Yellow Canna Lily, Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Hippo Rose Polka Dot Plant, Sweet Caroline Light Green Sweet Potato, Boldly Hot Pink Geranium, Sunsatia Lemon Nemesia, Luscious Royale Cosmo Lantana
 Hippo Pink Polka Dot Plant, Charmed Wine Shamrock, Colorblaze Torchlight Coleus, Tangerine Slice A-Peel Black-Eyed Susan Vine, Catalina White Linen Wishbone Flower, Proven Accents Pegasus Begonia, Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime Sweet Potato
Electric Lime Coleus, Kong Jr. Rose Coleus, Confetti White Polka-Dot Plant, Confetti Pink Polka-Dot Plant, Jurassic Green Streak Rex Begonia
Rockin Golden Delicious Pineapple Sage, Vermillionaire Firecracker Plant, Luscious Citrus Blend Lantana, Lady Godiva Yellow Marigold, Toucan Yellow Canna Lily
Dainty & Delicate: Supertunia Vista Bubblegum Petunia, Supertunia Vista Silverberry, Diamond Frost Spurge
Superbells Yellow Petunia, Luscious Lemonade Lantana, Limoncello Supertunia
Ivory Halo Dogwood, Day Lilies, Wave Petunias, Clematis
Sweet Caroline Medusa Green Sweet Potato, ColorBlaze Strawberry Drop Coleus, Heart to Heart Raspberry Moon Elephant Ear, Catalina Pink Wishbone Flower, Goldilocks Creeping Jenny
Superbena Burgundy Garden Verbena, Minifamous iGeneration Tangerine Mini Petunia
Diamond Frost Spurge, Persian Shield, Emerald Lace Swedish Mosaic Ivy, Gold 'n' Pearls Bacopa, All Around Purple Globe Amaranth, Superbells Cherry Blossom Mini Petumia, Perfume Deep Purple Jasmine Tobacco
Blue Mohawk Rush, Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Supertunia Trailing Blue Petunia, Superbena Large Lilac Blue Verbena
 Hyacinth at Chicago Garden Show, from front to back: Woodstock Hyacinth, China Pink Hyacinth, Purple Voice Hyacinth, Gypsy Queen Hyacinth, Blue Jacket Hyacinth
New Gold Lantana, Bishop of Llandaff Semi-Double Dahlia, Orange Punch Canna Lily
 Angelface Blue Summer Snapdragon, Illusion Midnight Lace Sweet Potato, ColorBlaze Dipt in Wine Coleus, Snowstorm Blue Bacopa
Wendy's Wish Sage, Magellan Orange Zinnia, Plumed Celosia, Artemis Silver Sage, Century Plant
Weeping Willows tower over path at Chicago Botanic Garden
Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus
Luscious Citrus Blend Lantana, Rockin' Deep Purple Salvia, Pardon My Lavender Bee Balm, Cat's Pajamas Catmint, Wizard of Ahhs Speedwell
My Lucky Stars: Superbells Yellow Chiffon Calibrachoa, Sunsatia Lemon Nemesia, Charmed Wine Shamrock, Colorblaze Sedona Sunset Coleus
Mauve Moody Blues Speedwell, Pink Moody Blues Speedwell
Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Supertunia Trailing Blue Veined Petunia, Superbena Large Lilac Blue Verbena
 Colorblaze Rediculous Coleus, Supertunia Mini Vista Hot Pink Petunia, Sweet Caroline Bewitched After Midnight Sweet Potato, Superbells Rising Star Calibrachoa, Silver Bullet Wormwood, Superbena Sparkling Rose Verbena
Bonanza Deep Orange French Marigold (Tagetes patula 'Bonanza Deep Orange'), EnduraScape Hot Pink Verbena (Verbena 'EnduraScape Hot Pink'), EnduraScape Blue Verbena (Verbena 'EnduraScape Blue')
Diamond Frost Spurge, Emerald Lace Swedish Mosaic Ivy, Illustris Colocasia, Freckles Coleus, Infinity Dark Pink New Guinea Impatiens
Cityline Vienna Bigleaf Hydrangea, Quick Fire Hydrangea, Snow Princess Sweet Alyssum, Supertunia Vista Silverberry
Superbells White Calibrachoa, Snow Princess Sweet Alyssum, Supertunia Vista Silverberry, Supertunia White Petunia, Vertigo grass, Lime Light Hydrangea
Lemon Symphony African Daisy, Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Superbena Large Lilac Blue Verbena
Angelface Blue Summer Snapdragon, Senorita Rosalita Spider Flower, King Tut Papyrus, Supertunia Vista Fuchsia, Supertunia Vista Silverberry, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Persian Shield
Wishful Thinking: Superbells Plum Calibrachoa, Superbells Yellow Chiffon Calibrachoa, Opal Innocence Nemesia
Supertunia Lovie Dovie Petunia, Supertunia Royal Magenta Petunia, Bright Lights Double Moonglow African Daisy, Superbena Stormburst Verbena
Ryan Gainey Smooth Hydrangea, Dawson's White Siberian Bugloss, Spring Yellow Siberian Bugloss, Purple Petticoats Coral Bells, ? Hosta
Confetti Pink Polka-Dot Plant, Electric Lime Coleus, Confetti White Polka-Dot Plant, Kong Jr. Rose Coleus
Superbells Double Ruby Calibrachoa, Superbells Rising Star Calibrachoa, Sweet Caroline Bewitched After Midnight Sweet Potato, Graceful Grasses Purple Fountain Grass, Intensia Red Hot Phlox, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, ColorBlaze Dipt in Wine Coleus, Fireworks Variegated Red Fountain Grass
 Supertunia Mini Vista Hot Pink Petunia, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Over Easy Calibrachoa, Luscious Marmalade Lantana, Luscious Bananarama Lantana, Lemon Coral Stonecrop
Pinky-Winky Panicle Hydrangea
Dissectum Red Select Japanese Maple, Rhododendrons
Prince Tut Papyrus, Goldilocks Rocks Bidens, Superbells Lemon Slice Petunia, Superbells Yellow Petunia, Diamond Frost Spurge, Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green With Envy Sweet Potato, Sunsatia Coconut Nemesia, Daisy May Shasta Daisy
Colorblaze Sedona Sunset Coleus, Luscious Citrus Blend Lantana, Luscious Lemonade Lantana, Graceful Grasses Purple Fountain Grass
Prince Tut Papyrus, Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime Sweet Potato, Snowstorm Blue Bacopa, Catalina Grape-o-Licious Wishbone Flower, Summer Wave Large Blue Torenia, Emerald Vase Sword Fern
Washington Tulip, Rosalie Tulip, Jackpot Tulip
Intenz Celosia
Heart To Heart White Wonder Elephant Ear, Supertunia Vista Silverberry, Diamond Frost Spurge, Surefire Rose Begonia
Matrix Deep Blue Blotch Pansy, Solstice Orange Tricolor Snapdragon, ?
Limelight Hardy Hydrangea, Night Embers Daylily
Victoria Blue Mealycup Sage, Double Fire Zinnia, Rumblin Nu Blue Petunia, Ivanetti Dahlia
Rockin Golden Delicious Pineapple Sage, Vermillionaire Firecracker Plant, Luscious Citrus Blend Lantana, Lady Godiva Yellow Marigold, Toucan Yellow Canna Lily
Pyromania Orange Blaze Red Hot Poker, SUNSATIA Blood Orange Nemesia, Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Red, Honey Supertunia
 Pink Delight Butterfly Bush, Golden Fleece Goldenrod, Potomac Yellow Snapdragon, Showstar Blackfoot, High Tide Blue Floss Flower, Happy Ring Cosmos
Red Zip Cabbage Palm, Luscious Goldengate Lantana, Supertunia Vista Fuchsia, Supertunia Black Cherry, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Colorblaze Apple Brandy Coleus, Colorblaze Torchlight Coleus, Rockin' Blue Suede Shoes Salvia, Snowstorm Pink Bacopa, Superbena Large Lilac Blue Verbena, Gold Splash Wintercreeper, Lime Light Hydrangea, Lakota Fire Coneflower
Leapfrog Foamy Bells, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus
Bedazzled Lavender Phlox, Pinpoint Blue Lawson Cypress, Superbells Honeyberry Million Bells, Autumn Frost Hosta, Spot On Lungwort
Laguna Compact Blue with Eye Lobelia, Limoncello Supertunia, Margarita Sweet Potato Vine
Grass - Northern Sea Oats, White Lava Elephant's Ear, Wildfire Smoky Rose Coleus, Sweetheart Ivy, Marshmallow Begonia, Ceylon Bowstring Hemp
Zahara XL Fire Zinnia, Beedance Red Stripe Bidens
Sugar Maple in front of Birch & Hosta
Superbells Pink Calibrachoa, Lemon Symphony African Daisy, Superbena Large Lilac Blue Verbena
Blue Mohawk Rush, Supertunia White Petunia, Illusion Emerald Lace Sweet Potato, Diamond Frost Spurge
Bonanza Deep Orange French Marigold, EnduraScape Hot Pink Verbena
Green Velvet Boxwood, Coral Bells 'Palace Purple', Spilled Wine Weigela, Goldmound Spirea, Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass, Summer Wine Ninebark
Coffee Cups Elephant's Ear, Toucan Dark Orange Canna, Surefire Rose Begonia, Colorblaze Rediculous Coleus, Colorblaze Velveteen Coleus, ColorBlaze Wicked Hot Coleus, Proven Accents Pegasus Begonia
Wintergreen Korean Boxwood, Zahara Raspberry Lemonade Mix Zinnia, Princess Elephant Grass
Million Kisses Devotion Tuberous Begonia, 
Giant Exhibition Chivalry Coleus, Black Beauty Alumroot, Foxtail Fern
Coleosaurus Coleus, Colorblaze Apple Brandy Coleus, Colorblaze Velveteen Coleus
 Sunsatia Lemon Nemesia, Lemon Symphony African Daisy, Surfinia Patio Yellow Petunia
Crabapples & Tulips in bloom
Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) & Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
Laguna Sky Blue Lobelia, Graceful Grasses Purple Fountain Grass, Supertunia Trailing Rose Veined Petunia, Spotlight Black Heart Ipomoea, Goldilocks Creeping Jenny, Superbena Purple Verbena
Rosalie, Involve & Flying Dragon Tulips
Supertunia Mini Vista Pink Star Petunia, Supertunia White Petunia, Superbena Royale Romance
Superbells Pink Calibrachoa, Superbells Tropical Sunrise Calibrachoa, Flambe Yellow Strawflower, Supertunia Really Red Petunia
Sonata Snow Cosmos, Dalmatian Iris
Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa, SUNSATIA Blood Orange Nemesia, Vertigo Grass, Honey Supertunia, Black Pearl Heuchera, Black Pearl Ornamental Pepper
Sweet Dreams Dahlia, Art Deco Zinnia, Persian Silk Tree
Silky Gold Bloodflower, Benary's Giant Orange Zinnia, Blue Horizon Floss Flower, Benary's Giant Scarlet Zinnia
Touch of Class Jacob's Ladder, Sum & Substance Hosta, Golden Tiara Hosta
 White Licorice, Bluebird Nemesia, Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia
Dreaming Maid Tulip, Innuendo Tulip, Gavota Tulip
Mojave Tangerine Purslane, Royale Pina Colada Lantana, Luscious Bananarama Lantana, Lakota Fire Coneflower, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Playin' the Blues Salvia, Flambe Yellow Strawflower
Pinpoint Blue Lawson Cypress, Supertunia Black Cherry, Mojave Red Purslane, ColorBlaze Strawberry Drop Coleus
Maryl Garden Mum, Junkyard Dog Dahlia
Surefire Rose Begonia, Endless Illumination Browallia, Silver Falls Dichondra, Rockapulco Wisteria Impatiens, Crested Surf Japanese Painted Fern, Dolce Wildberry Coralbells
Bluebird Nemesia, Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Supertunia White Petunia
Mauve Moody Blues Speedwell, Pink Moody Blues Speedwell
Luscious Lemonade Lantana, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus, Daisy May Shasta Daisy
Angelface Wedgwood Blue Angelonia, Silver Falls Dichondra, Diamond Snow Spurge, Sky Rocket Fountain Grass, Sunpatiens Compact White Impatiens
Sunbini Creeping Zinnia, Lady Godiva Yellow Marigold, Lady Godiva Orange Calendula, Luscious Citrus Blend Lantana, Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Red, Amazel Basil
Ostrich Fern, Paris Coral Bells, Sprite Astilbe, Newport Cherry Plum, Shadowland Empress Wu Hosta
Graceful Grasses Purple Fountain Grass, Laguna Sky Blue Lobelia, Spotlight Black Heart Ipomoea, Goldilocks Creeping Jenny, Superbena Purple Verbena
Golden Butterfly Marguerite Daisy, Superbells Yellow Chiffon Calibrachoa, Blackberry Ice Coral Bells, Wire Vine
Early Bird: Flambe Yellow Strawflower, Supertunia White Petunia, Snowstorm Giant Snowflake
Sky Rocket Fountain Grass, Supertunia Mini Vista White Petunia, Supertunia Mini Vista Indigo Petunia, Mini Vista Violet Star Petunia
Senorita Rosalita Spider Flower, Colorblaze Torchlight Coleus, Diamond Snow Spurge, Sunpatiens Compact Royal Magenta
Seeing Red: Timeless Orange Geranium, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Mojave Red Purslane
Queen of Night Tulip, Sky High Scarlet Single Late Tulip, Olympic Flame Tulip
Box Elder & Ostrich Ferns tower over a bed of Pachysandra in this shady, wet area.
Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass, Prairie Dropseed, Gracillimus Maiden Grass, Daub's Frosted Juniper, Green Mountain Boxwood
Laguna Sky Blue Lobelia, Supertunia White Petunia, Colorblaze Royale Cherry Brandy
Superbells Tropical Sunrise Calibrachoa, Stratosphere Pink Picotee Gaura, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Diamond Frost Spurge
Bonanza Deep Orange French Marigold, EnduraScape Hot Pink Verbena, EnduraScape Blue Verbena
 Supertunia Vista Bubblegum Petunia, Superbena Royale Plum Wine Verbena, Sunsatia Coconut Nemesia
Superbells Grape Punch Calibrachoa, Laguna Ultraviolet Lobelia, Superbena Sparkling Amethyst Verbena, Meteor Shower Verbena
Supertunia Mini Vista Hot Pink Petunia, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Over Easy Calibrachoa, Luscious Marmalade Lantana, Luscious Bananarama Lantana, Luscious Royale Cosmo Lantana, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime Sweet Potato
Cinnamon & Sugar: After Midnight Sweet Caroline, Vertigo Grass, Supertunia Latte Petunia
Fireworks Variegated Red Fountain Grass, ColorBlaze Wicked Witch Coleus, Colorblaze Velveteen Coleus, Chocolate Drop Coleus, Supertunia Black Cherry, Sweet Caroline Raven Improved Sweet Potato, Sweet Caroline Red Hawk Sweet Potato Vine, Sweet Caroline Medusa Green Sweet Potato, Superbells Pomegranate Punch
Blueberry Hill: Supertunia Vista Silverberry, Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Diamond Frost Spurge
Prince Tut Papyrus, Blue Mohawk Rush, Superbells Evening Star Calibrachoa, Blushing Princess Alyssum, Dark Knight Sweet Alyssum, Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Sweet Caroline Jet Black Sweet Potato, Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green With Envy Sweet Potato
Salmon Pearl Tulip, Polkadot Princess Foxglove, Snapshot Burgundy Snapdragon, Carnival Black Olive Coral Bells
Asparagus Fern, Rockapulco Red Impatiens, Charmed Wine Shamrock, Goldilocks Creeping Jenny
Supertunia Giant Pink Petunia, Supertunia Really Red Petunia, Rockin' Deep Purple Salvia, Meteor Shower Verbena, Pardon My Lavender Bee Balm, Supertunia Daybreak Charm Petunia
Lucky Charm: Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa, Superbells Yellow Chiffon Calibrachoa, Charmed Wine Shamrock, Colorblaze Sedona Sunset Coleus
Russian Sage, Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass, Golden Showers Threadleaf Coreopsis, Burgundy Candles Meadow Sage
Graceful Grasses Purple Fountain Grass, Meteor Shower Verbena, Mojave Red Purslane, Truffula Pink Globe Amaranth
  Toffee Twist Bronze Curly Sedge, Flambe Yellow Strawflower, Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa
Russian Sage, Golden Showers Threadleaf Coreopsis, Flower Carpet Pink Supreme Groundcover Rose, Burgundy Candles Meadow Sage
Graceful Grasses Purple Fountain Grass, Gay's Delight Coleus, Sky Fire Coleus, Goldilocks Creeping Jenny, Silver Falls Dichondra, Supertunia Royal Magenta Petunia
Morning Light Maiden Grass, Surefire Red Begonia, Superbells Double Orange Million Bells, Luscious Goldengate Lantana, Superbena Large Lilac Blue Verbena, Mezoo Trailing Red Livingstone Daisy
Casanova: Superbells Plum Calibrachoa, Superbells Yellow Chiffon Calibrachoa, Opal Innocence Nemesia
Russian Sage, Rose Glow Barberry, Lidakense Stonecrop, East Friesland Meadow Sage, Blackout Coral Bells
Heart of the Jungle Elephant's Ear, Heart To Heart Lemon Blush Elephant Ear, Shadowland Wheee! Hosta, Diamond Snow Spurge, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Silver Bullet Wormwood, Silver Falls Dichondra, King Tut Papyrus
Blue Mohawk Rush, Colorblaze Royale Cherry Brandy, Silver Bullet Wormwood, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Superbells Hollywood Star Calibrachoa, Superbells Morning Star Calibrachoa
  Infinity Pink Frost New Guinea Impatiens, in bloom
Superbells Double Chiffon Calibrachoa, Superbells Tangerine Punch Calibrachoa, Mojave Fuchsia Purslane, Rockin Golden Delicious Pineapple Sage, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Superbena Red Verbena
Clementine: Superbells Double Amber Million Bells, Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa, Vermillionaire Firecracker Plant, Ostrich Fern
Superbells Pomegranate Punch, Superbells Tropical Sunrise Calibrachoa, Fireworks Variegated Red Fountain Grass, Honey Supertunia
Bobo Panicle Hydrangea, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Bright Lights Yellow African Daisy, Rainbow Rhythm Tiger Swirl Daylily, At Last Rose, Bright Lights Purple African Daisy
 Queen of Night Tulip, Sky High Scarlet Single Late Tulip, Olympic Flame Tulip
Wasabi & Redhead Coleus
Golden Spirit Smoketree, Kelvin Floodlight Dinnerplate Dahlia, Mesa Yellow Blanket Flower, Susie Clear Yellow Black-Eyed Susan Vine, Flutterby Petite Snow White Butterfly Bush
Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green With Envy Sweet Potato, Supertunia Vista Bubblegum Petunia, Supertunia Vista Fuchsia, Supertunia Vista Silverberry
 Snow Princess Sweet Alyssum, Superbells Dreamsicle Calibrachoa, Fiber Optic Grass, ColorBlaze Dipt in Wine Coleus, Vanilla Spice Sweet Pepperbush
Toucan Yellow Canna Lily, Lady Godiva Yellow Marigold, Vermillionaire Firecracker Plant, Luscious Citrus Blend Lantana, Rockin Golden Delicious Pineapple Sage
Over Easy Calibrachoa, Luscious Lemonade Lantana, Luscious Marmalade Lantana, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus, Orange A-Peel Black-Eyed Susan Vine
ColorBlaze Wicked Hot Coleus, Heat It Up Scarlet Blanket Flower, Superbells Double Orange Million Bells, Sweet Caroline Red Hawk Sweet Potato Vine
Goldilocks Creeping Jenny, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Colorblaze Torchlight Coleus, Hippo Pink Polka Dot Plant, Asparagus Fern, Molten Lava Shamrock, Sweet Caroline Raven Improved Sweet Potato
Russian Sage, Grass - Feather Reed, Golden Showers Threadleaf Coreopsis, Burgundy Candles Meadow Sage
Strawberry Seduction Yarrow, Sunny Seduction Yarrow
Intenz Celosia in front of Mona Lavender
Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green With Envy Sweet Potato, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Autumn Frost Hosta, Coast to Coast Hosta, Anna's Magic Ball Arborvitae
Toucan Red Canna, Mojave Fuchsia Purslane, Rockin' Fuchsia Salvia, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Snowstorm Giant Snowflake, Snowstorm Pink Bacopa, Meteor Shower Verbena, Denim 'n Lace Russian Sage
Tangerine Slice A-Peel Black-Eyed Susan Vine, Hippo Red Polka Dot Plant, SUNSATIA Blood Orange Nemesia, Honey Supertunia, Sweet Caroline Raven Improved Sweet Potato
Angelface White Angelonia, Supertunia Vista Bubblegum Petunia, ColorBlaze Dipt in Wine Coleus, King Tut Papyrus
Supertunia Bordeaux Petunia, Diamond Frost Spurge, Opal Innocence Nemesia
Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Superbells Blue Moon Punch Calibrachoa, Superbells Double Orchid Calibrachoa, Graceful Grasses Vertigo, Supertunia Giant Pink Petunia, Sweet Caroline Bewitched Green With Envy Sweet Potato, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, Meteor Shower Verbena, Superbena Stormburst Verbena, Colorblaze Lime Time Coleus
Superbells Plum Calibrachoa, Superbena Large Lilac Blue Verbena
  Superbells Red Calibrachoa, Overdam Feather Reed Grass, Wire Vine
Superbells Pink Calibrachoa, Superbells Yellow Chiffon Calibrachoa, Stratosphere Pink Picotee Gaura, Supertunia White Petunia
Snow Princess Sweet Alyssum, Red Knockout Shrub Rose, Coral Meidiland Shrub Rose
High Five Speedwell, Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Magadi Electric Blue Edging Lobelia, Illusion Emerald Lace Sweet Potato, Mohave Yellow Strawflower, Spiky Pink Wheat Celosia, Landmark Citrus Lantana
Luscious Citrus Blend Lantana, Luscious Lemonade Lantana, Graceful Grasses Purple Fountain Grass, Colorblaze Sedona Sunset Coleus, Colorblaze Velveteen Coleus
Fireworks Variegated Red Fountain Grass, Lime Light Hydrangea, Pinky Winky Panicle Hydrangea, Bobo Panicle Hydrangea, Non-Stop Joy Yellow Tuberous Begonia, Goldilocks Rocks Bidens
Superbells Double Ruby Calibrachoa, Superbells Rising Star Calibrachoa, Sweet Caroline Bewitched After Midnight Sweet Potato, Graceful Grasses Purple Fountain Grass, Intensia Red Hot Phlox, Lemon Coral Stonecrop, ColorBlaze Dipt in Wine Coleus
Laguna Beach: Supertunia Trailing Silver Petunia, Superbena Dark Blue Verbena, Surfinia Sky Blue Petunia
 Angelface Perfectly Pink Angelonia, Supertunia Vista Bubblegum Petunia, Supertunia Vista Fuchsia, Supertunia Vista Silverberry
Supertunia Trailing Blue Veined Petunia, Snowstorm Giant Snowflake, Superbena Dark Blue Verbena
Supertunia Royal Velvet Petunia, Superbena Large Lilac Blue Verbena, Diamond Frost Spurge

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Limited Availability

We try very hard to source exactly what you’d like, but sometimes growers run out of plants! While this variety is a great deal at the price shown, we know that it has limited availability. If you want the plant even if it might be more expensive, or in a different size or quantity -- after you place your order, just send us a quick note at Then, we’ll try to get you some version of this from one of our growers. And if we can’t get it from anywhere, of course, we’ll send a refund!

Field-Grown vs. Greenhouse-Grown Plants

Plants which are well-adapted to our local climate are most often field-grown (outside). Field-grown plants are generally cheaper and have the advantage of already somewhat acclimated to our cold winters, but that means they’re not artificially far along in the spring and tend to bloom at the normal time in our area.

Spring annuals and tender perennials are typically grown in Greenhouses so they can be ready and luxurious exactly when customers want them. Some perennials are also “forced” into early bloom in greenhouses. In May, there can be a very big difference between field-grown and greenhouse-grown plants of the same type. The latter typically look good right away (so they’re a great choice where that’s important), but we typically pay a premium for it.

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  • The best plants… from the same sources the pros use, but at near wholesale prices
  • More plants in more sizes than anywhere else… whether you’re looking for classics or rarities; annuals, perennials or shrubs; one plant or a whole yardful!
  • "No Contact" delivery or easy pick-up at a site near you without fighting the retail crowds. You choose!

Membership is free, but — since we rely on delivery and local pick-up — you have to live near one of our hubs (or be willing to drive to a site to pick them up). If you live farther away, and would like to help us bring the club to your neighbors, please email

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About Ordering From The Plant Club

To secure the best prices for club members and make sure we know the current plants available from each nursery, we take orders only a couple of times a month.

The next order is coming up soon. Here's a link to our ordering calendar. Shoot us an email at, and we'll be happy to talk about plants or let you know when it's time to buy them!